Links to things I like...

I'll try to include every link in my bookmarks folder but that could take a month lol Also I apologize if the reviews are short and impersonal I just want to get them out to you and if I wrote one for every link Im posting Id never get this page done lol

:=:=:Witchcraft:=:=: Faeries:=:=:Arts and Literature:=:=:
:=:=:Worthy Causes:=:=:BBW Links:=:=: Groups I'm Involved In:=:=:
:=:=:Women Oriented Sites:=:=:Mythology Links:=:=:



Working Witches: Welcome and Blessed Be! great witchy site
Witch's Brew: For All of Mother's Children... great witchy site possibly THE largest on the web
Witches' League for Public Awareness I'm a member of this org. If you like Laurie Cabot you should know she founded the WLPA
WITCH WAY great site with tons of great graphics
Welcome to Robin Wood Ent. This lady did the cover art for almost all of Scott Cunninghams books.
The Witches' Web of Shadows great witchy site :)
the Witches' Informational Network (Minnesota) Ok I do not live in Minnesota but I came across it in hopes of finding one for North Carolina...
THe DormAnt VolcaNo This is a great site. The webmistress is a true activist. Make sure to check this site out if you are looking ot see how you can help change the world.
Stardancer's Wheel of the Year Great site!
Sarah's Archangels This site incorporates Angels into the Craft. Definitely one to check out!
Retro This is probably the "coolest" witch site I've come across...
Pagan/Wiccan Religion - Home Page this is pretty much another links page...
Pagan Personals what more can I say? You wanna Pagan mate look here for him or her!
Pagan Graphics By Rowan A witchy graphics site.
Pagan Gatherings in the South Do you live in the South? Than look here for ~~you guessed it!~~ Pagan Gatherings lol This one has no name soooo I just call it a very informative WItchy site :O)
Hecate's Shrine site devoted to the great Goddess Hecate...
Goddess 2000 Project ~ A Goddess on Every Block! Pretty much defines itself I think
Greetings, Spiritual Seeker! Great website Nice site but WARNING! NOT FOR SLOWER PCs Mines 56 K and it freezes me up for a minute everytime I go there. Her downloads page is too good to pass up though lol
Daily Horoscope, Aquarius You can get any horoscope here, the only problem is it isn't always kept up to date :(
Crystal Sands, A Pagan Playground! basically an online catalog for Wiccan supplies. Also has a few other things too
SilverNightGoddess & The Mystical Realm nice little group I'm apart of and also the homepage of the founder
Chantrea's Book of Shadows great website
Changes for Livingtree Grove great site *s*
MY MYSTICAL WORLD Nice page except she is infringing on alot of copyrights. Almost if not all of her site content is from one book or another. But for those of us who cant afford to run out and buy the book, you can find a little bit about it here ::smilez::
Occult 100 okay I HATE the word Occult since most people think of goat sacrifices and orgies and I admit there is some really scary religion links here but there are also some great witch ones. Just remember! WICTHES DO NOT HURT OR SACRIFICE LIVING BEINGS!!!!!!!!
Goddess Web nice page

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Faeries :::::::::

Secret Fairy Society THE Secret Faery Society Official Public Pages... Definitely check this place out!
Welcome to Lavendise - vale of the fae (fairies, fairie, faery, fay, fary, feriers, faeries, fae, fays, fees, ferishers, fairy, frairies, fayerye, fayre, fatae, fairye, faery, fay, wee folk, pixy, pixie, sprite, elf, dwarf, naiad, dyad, nymph, hamadryad, ERRRRRRRR I REALLY DISLIKE LOOOOOOONGGGG TITLES!!!!!!!!!! But it's still a nice site ::smilez::
Wandering Faerie's Domain OoOooooh I LOVE this page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is faetabulous!
The Faerie Encyclopedia Excellent resource for all faery information!
Primrose Glen a nice little personal website devoted to the fae folk
Original Faerie Art ehhhh so~so.........
Faerie Search (Dictionary entry, \fairies\) errrrr another one of those itchy titles...... But also a nice site
Faery Tales: You are now at the Sithein... really this is more of a Celtic Craft site rather than a fae site bit it is good nonetheless
Faerie Godmother Fiona's Cottage Online Catalog with lots of additional stuff to keep the customers coming lol
SAVE THE FAERIE CAMPAIGN hmmmmmm do I really have to explain this one?? *Part of Godmother Fiona's Faerie Cottage
The Enchanted Hollow I love adopting some colorful fae folks to waltz about my little castle.... I know you will too!

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The Arts (Visual and Literature) ::::::::::

The Goddess Art of Jonathon Earl Bowser well I think it explains itself....
The Fae Gatekeeper of Dreams Very nice little stories (or pieces of stories)
The Realm of The White Rose I love the literature here
dragon2 some really good amateur fantasy sketches
Sapphrodite! site for literature for women ..please note some literature is of a mildly erotic nature..
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Worthy Causes to Look In To ::::::::

Welcome to Barbados...a Tori Amos inspired site created for rape and sexual abuse survivors says it all I think lol
Suicide: Read This First I admit there are times when I think there is only one way out of a bad situation, luckily I found this page...
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children hmmm self explanatory
MADD ON-LINE I lost a very close cousin to drunk driving please support this org so you dont have to lose a loved one too
Greenpeace International Homepage if you havent heard of Greenpeace you definitely have to check out this link!
Animal Rights LINKS & RESOURCES This page is filled with links to animal rights and protection resources...

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BBW Links (Yep I'm a Fat Grrl and Proud of it!) :::::::::::

Bella Online Magazine - Empowerment for BBWs, Full-Figured, Voluptuous, Plump, Chubby, Fat Women, Women of All Sizes - A Magazine of Self and Size Acceptance errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... But I LOVE this e-mag!!!
Main Page, Abundance Magazine Another awesome magazine for BBWs and the FA's who love them!!!!
The Official Website of Honey Real-Size Model The homepage of a beautiful BBW model
BBW Heaven: An Oasis for Big, Beautiful Women and their Admirers says it all.......
The Official Candye Kane Website home of the infamous Candye Kane........
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Groups I'm Involved With That Aren't Previously Mentioned ::::::::::::::

Welcome To Maidonia, Home of the Mystic Maidens great forums full of intersting women from around the world. Must check out the site to see what Im talking about I really havent gotten to do much with this org just yet. There isn't much of a welcoming committee but I did recently contribute a piece from The Beauty of Darkness to be posted in their e zine
DRealm of the Fairies YEP! i'm a Site Fights fairy! Yippee!
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Women Oriented Sites Not Previously Mentioned :::::::::::

h e r s p a c e Hmmm I think this says it all yes?
Disgruntled Housewife: Your Guide to Modern Living & Intersex Relationships HILARIOUS!!! I LOVE this page!
Cyberblonde You want to get something off your back? Take it here! PEOPLE!!!!! Please give your pages a title please please please lol I do like this page though! I probably should have added it to the BBW links but what the hey!
Jennifer's Teen Parents Page I guess I like this page since I'm a teenaged mother too....
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Mythology Links ::::::::::

Mythology: MYTHING LINKS i think it says it all.........
The Book of Gods, Goddesses, Heroes and Other Characters of Mythology not as good as the above mentioned site but its good

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Well all, Im getting tired right now sooo I'll post this stuff up and then ad to it within the next month. Blessed be! Persephone Fjura
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Back to the Amethyst Castle

the little faery above with the blonde hair is copyrighted to ~me~ which means to steal her is illegal! You can however adopt her from the Amethyst Castle Adoption Agency...